Thur 25 April 2024

APFF Pre-Festival Launch Party


Pre-Festival Launch Party
Romantso Thursday 25th of AprilWe invite you to the launch party of Satyrs and Maenads: the Athens Porn Film Festival 2024. This year, we are with you for the 5th time and are in an anniversary mood. The announcement of our program will be made after the screening of the amazing opening film of the first edition in 2020 which unfortunately due to the COVID pandemic did not take place live. So, we want to give you the opportunity to see it in person and celebrate together in as we announce our new program.Screening 20:00-22:00 (admission €5)1. Welcome to Athens (2018) Dir. Menelas GRE 06:51 (English+Greek with eng subs)
Starring: Dr. Alexandros Papadopoulos, Nico Deen, Kangela Tromokratisch, John Strap, Pan Bash, Myron m. Pavenos, Loucas, Costas, Giannis Maskidis
This is the tourism advert for the city of Athens that the Greek National Tourism Organisation doesn't want you to see.
2. (W/HOLE) (2019) Dir. Mahx Capacity USA 1:37:21 (English with Gre Subs)
Starring: Parts Authority, Trouble Clef, Special Guest, Papi Femme, Shay Knox, Erykah Ohms, The Shape, Evie Snax, Alice the Wolfe, and Ginny Woolf
A full-length film created by queer/feminist porn collective AORTA films in collaboration with performance company the A.O. Movement Collective, exploring the incredible potency of queer hedonism, specifically how the authentic performativity of kink and queer porn can evolve trauma into orgasm, and grief into politically radical, transformative, body-based joy. This work aims to negotiate pornographic embodiment as an anti-oppressive, trans-inclusive feminist practice rooted in femme caretaking and risk and contextualizes itself as a choreographic process. ( ) investigates the complexity of pleasure, exploring the so-called obscenity of bodies in their most tremendous capacity—their glorious, illicit humanity.Programme Announcement and Party with DJ Hutihno feat. Nantia 22:00-00:00 (free entry)