Παρ 20 Σεπ 2024

From Athens to Brussels with love at Romantso 20.09

συναυλία /μουσική

From Athens to Brussels with love at Romantso

Love is in the air. We’re putting the romance back in Romantso. Single, taken, open or just curious? All are wanted and needed on the dance floor! The terrace transforms into a lovely picnic date, with a lovers b2b between Coupdetat & 132_Hertz, followed by the ravishing Io. After midnight we invite you to the basement, turning it into a sensual dungeon of ecstatic pleasure, with Noff, Eiger Drums Propaganda, pink.wav and Akollor, for a climactic ending.


The True Love Balcony

21:00 - 22:30 Coupdetat & 132_Hertz (GR/FR)
22:30 - 00:00 Io (GR/FR)

The Basement Climax Room

23:30 - 01:30 Noff (GR)
01: 30 - 03:00 Eiger Drums Propaganda (FR)
03:00 - 04:30 pink.wav (GR)
04:30 - 06:00 Akollor (DE)

10€ presale at more.com
12 € at the door

Visual made with love by pametjenny 

Facebook event here.
RA.com event here.

Romantso, Anaxagora 3-5, Athens
Friday 20 September
Starts: 21.00